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Through our social enterprise, SunnyMoney, we provide access to solar lights in Malawi and Zambia to help catalyze solar markets with renewable light.
590 million people in Africa alone have no access to electricity. Without electricity families have no clean source of light, leaving millions to rely on expensive and dangerous alternatives.
Solar lights are safe, clean and affordable. It is a small, but smart innovation that gives off hours of light in the evening so families can earn, learn and feel safe after dark. Just one lamp can transform the future for an entire family and is the first step out of poverty.
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You will distribute 1 solar light reaching 5 people
You will give children solar lights allowing them to study...
You're providing 10 solar lights
A solar light changes everything. With a solar light, families tell us they save money from reduced spending on lighting alternatives like kerosene, candles, and battery torches. Families tell us that solar lights are predominantly used by children to do their homework after dark. With access to this bright, safe, clean and free light, children are doing an extra hour of homework each day. Each solar light bought by a household in rural Africa results in the elimination of the regular use of one kerosene lamp and this means there is less indoor air pollution.
2.3 Million
lights distributed worldwide12.4 million people
in Sub-Saharan Africa reached by clean, safe & afordable light$290 million
saved by families a year