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In partnership with community-based organizations and local leaders, LitWorld runs after school LitClubs and school break LitCamp programs in 25 countries, including cities across the United States. 1 month of education means 1 girl can attend classes 5 days a week. Her tuition will be paid in full with this purchase.
what you can customize
In partnership with community-based organizations and local leaders, LitWorld runs after school LitClubs and school break LitCamp programs in 25 countries, including cities across the United States. 1 month of education means 1 girl can attend classes 5 days a week. Her tuition will be paid in full with this purchase.

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this charity is also offering:

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1 solar light$15

You will distribute 1 solar light reaching 5 people

3 children can study after dark$20

You will give children solar lights allowing them to study...

10 solar lights$150

You're providing 10 solar lights

the problem:

When the sun goes down at 6pm in sub-Saharan Africa, 590 million people are living in darkness. They have no access to electricity. There is no switch on the wall to turn on the light. This is energy poverty. Families have no choice but to rely on poor alternatives such as homemade torches, candles and kerosene lamps. These dangerous devices are imperilling health, impairing education, wasting household income and emitting astonishingly high amounts of carbon into the atmosphere. Worst of all, families have to risk their lives every single night with open flames. It doesn’t have to be like this.


A solar light changes everything. With a solar light, families tell us they save money from reduced spending on lighting alternatives like kerosene, candles, and battery torches. Families tell us that solar lights are predominantly used by children to do their homework after dark. With access to this bright, safe, clean and free light, children are doing an extra hour of homework each day. Each solar light bought by a household in rural Africa results in the elimination of the regular use of one kerosene lamp and this means there is less indoor air pollution.

2.3 Million

lights distributed worldwide

12.4 million people

in Sub-Saharan Africa reached by clean, safe & afordable light

$290 million

saved by families a year

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Delivery Method:
Only available for US numbers. Do not add hyphens and parenthesis. Example, xxxxxxxxxx
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*Please note that our system is built so that you checkout with 1 gift to 1 recipient at a time. If you want to send multiple gifts you will need to make multiple transactions.

**By purchasing LottoLove you are agreeing to share your email with our charity partners. We will not disclose information about our customers to third parties.